Sunday, April 25, 2010


I saw the 1980 film on UTV World Movies yesterday.In these times of academic pressure it's often difficult to unwind by watching a film,certainly not as regularly as you want to.I have a class test tomorrow but i decided to watch 'Ordinary People'anyway.
It was a good decision.It 's because of films like ordinary people that i watch films.The film is about a well off family having to cope with the loss of the eldest son in a drowning.The film centers on three members on the family-Calvin Jarrett(the father),Beth Jarrett(the mother) and Conrad Jarrett(the younger son).
The initial focus of the film is on Conrad.He was with his brother Buck when he died.He blames himself for not holding onto Buck;soon after his brother's death he tries to committ suicide.He survives and goes to a psychiatric hospital.The film starts a year after his return from there.
He cant get over his demons and consults a psychiatrist.This meeting would turn out to be a turning point for him.
Conrad Jarrett is not the only one who cannot get over the loss.His parents are coping with it their own way.
Conrad's mother is one of those persons who believe that the outward demeanor matters a lot, if not everything.She's a person who suffers the loss of her son; she does not manifest it in grief but in other ways.She does not get along with her younger son;Buck was a favourite of hers;Conrad's attempts at making a serious conversation are met with a metaphorical blank stare.She dismisses Conrad as provocative and tells her husband not to indulge him.She is not one of those manipulative people either.She frequently changes the topic if she comes across anything uncomfortable.Towards the end of the film one frequent plea of her will be that she is who she is and she cannot change.sshe says she cannot take any more pressure.thus she is damaged in her own way.
Conrad's father goes through the same amount of change as Conrad.A person who is considered to have a passive tempermant by both his son and wife,he tries to set things right for them but while doing so discovers uncomfortable truths .Thinking can be a painful process.
Like conrad's psychiatrist Dr.Berger says,''just because you feel something don't expect it to tickle.''
The film is about people's attempts to face their problems in a direct manner even when they are not in the best state of mind and still cannot quite get over the fear that nothing can be changed.The film is also about the people who would not even start to think so directly.Talking can provide a reilef.But it's not a smooth ride for anyone.The film also talks about something not often heard-sometimes it isn't really anyone's fault.
The director of the film does a masterful job of showing the characters as they are and stays with that depiction till the end;he uses flashbacks qute well.The most dramatic scenes are between conrad and Dr.Berger but the gradually developing confrontations between the husband and wife packs a punch.At no time is there any room for sterotype,though admitedly the moment when berger tells conrad that he is his friend made me cringe a bit.But all in all it's a worthwhile experience.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grizzly Bear

People often talk of a song that can save your life.For me that song is Grizzly Bear's "Two Weeks".It has a heavenly ambience that can be truly appreciated only if you listen to the song;that is created via the amazing vocal work of all the four members of the band.Truly stunning;you feel nothing can go wrong while you listen to the song.The music provides a steady beat in the meantime.
The next Grizzly Bear song i heard was "Knife".It seemed to lack the momentous impact of "Two Weeks". It 's a bit overlong,but the vocals can do no wrong.
The song which probably surpasses "Two Weeks" is "While You Wait For The Others".Impatience regarding an unwanted person has never been expressed so bitterly and so eloquently.I think music wise this is the song i liked the most.The gradually increasing crescendo of the aforementioned vocals at the end of the song packs a punch.
The most recent song i've heard is "Cheerleader".They're still going strong.
All the four songs i've heard are from the album "Veckatimest".After hearing them i cant stop listening to them;am not even motivated to seek out the remaining songs of the album.
I'd like to thank Sanjoy Narayan,the editor of the Hindustan Times whose weekly column "Download Central" is the reason i got to hear this USA band in the first place.God bless.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

how does it feel to be completely on your own like a complete unknown?
i'm not here this is not happening
the best thing that you've had is going away
do you want to make a memory
kill yourself to never ever stop
turn it into something you're not
oh yeah
when you're feeling sad remember how we felt upon an accidental paradise
no surprises please

Sunday, April 11, 2010


"Words are like a sawed off shotgun"-Radiohead
"And words are all i have to take your heart away"-the Bee Gees
Technology is such that we cannot access each other's brains yet.Thus we are left to guessing other people's motivations through their actions and words;others will similarly gauge us.People say your actions matter a lot.But people are not going to look favourably towards you if you behave like a mute at the same time.That is the prevalent reality.In one respect it makes sense.After all words are the primary mode of comunication.It is traditionally assumed you are who you speak.
Words can come in a couple of formats-written and vocal.People generally prefer the latter over the former,though the written format has risen in prominence because of social networking sites and text messages.People interact everyday and judge each other by what words they use.Some phrases are used for a short period of time in the form of catchphrases.Sometimes we're reduced to using catchphrases only it seems.People talk .In the midst of a verbal communication if someone is seen not talking , it's a strange sight indeed.
Talking in itself is never an end.Sometimes you can't always say what's on your mind.Social approval matters ,a bit too much at times.But at the very basic level,if you want to get along with people, then you'll have to talk.Hopefully you wont be reduced to following courtesies in this way.There's an art in speaking.That quality is measured by a parameter called articulation.You cannot take back your words.
But what about those people who are accustomed to leading a mute way of life?Do they have any chance to get back into a favourable social standing?Do they try and talk for the sake of convention and speak in a conventional format as well?How are these people going to be regarded in job interviews where somebody will have to make a snap judgement?All your life and how you've lead it will be decided will be scanned instaneously.How you lead your life in the future will also be decided at the same time. Another potent question is how will we try to woo someone.What words are we to use then?
"Be yourself" may not be a very applicable maxim in these cases.I personally believe you cant coach someone to talk.
Silence contributes as much as words.It is sometimes as judicially used as words.To somebody speaking, silence from a would be listener is not always golden.Nobody appreciates words always being spoken in a song.It's a medley of lyrics and music.Music can be free of words at least explicitly.An emotional outburst from within can be potentially released because of a compelling piece of music.
I don't think we'll be leading a very happy life if we have nobody to talk to.Sometimes it's a question of frequency in regard to appearance ,ours and others.Hopefully they will meet.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Some of the albums i've been listening to recently or have been listening to on a repeated basis:
1.Abbey Road(The Beatles)
2.Acthung Baby (U2)
3.A Rush of Blood To The Head(Coldplay)
4.A compilation album of Jal songs
5.In Rainbows(Radiohead)
6.Ok Computer(Radiohead)
7.After the Gold Rush(Neil Young)
8.Sticky Fingers(The Rolling Stones)
One album i've been wanting to hear in its entirety is Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest.